library(raster); library(rgdal); library(dplyr); library(yarrr) # saving projections/datums for later use LongLatCRS <-'+init=epsg:4326' albersCRS <- '+proj=aea +lat_1=20 +lat_2=60 +lat_0=40 +lon_0=-96 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80' ################################### Prepare shapefile of US states # read in US states shapefile b0 <- rgdal::readOGR("D:\\Desktop Files November 2019\\fireflies\\us state bounds\\us_states\\us_states.shp") class(b0) # sp crs(b1) # CRS arguments: +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs # plot original file plot(b0) # subsetting so we just have the continental US b1 <- b0[b0$name != 'Alaska',] b1 <- b1[b1$name != 'Hawaii',] b1 <- b1[b1$name != 'Guam',] b1 <- b1[b1$name != 'Northern Mariana Islands',] b1 <- b1[b1$name != 'American Samoa',] b1 <- b1[b1$name != 'United States Virgin Islands',] b1 <- b1[b1$name != 'Puerto Rico',] # plot plot(b1) # looks nice! ################################### Prepare shapefile of Great Lakes (bc US states looks dumb without them) # read in great lakes shapefile gl0 <- rgdal::readOGR("D:\\Working Files\\Main Storage\\ArcGIS\\Vector Shapefiles\\Great_Lakes (1)\\Great_Lakes.shp") class(gl0) # sp gl1 <- spTransform(gl0, CRS(LongLatCRS)) # transform plot(gl1, add = TRUE, col = "lightblue") ################################### Shapefiles for all trees!!! # ################################### Prepare shapefile of American Sycamore # figuring out the damn projection ### #COORDINATE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION # #Projection ALBERS #Units METERS #Spheroid CLARKE1866 #Parameters: #1st standard parallel 38 0 0.000 #2nd standard parallel 42 0 0.000 #central meridian -82 0 0.000 #latitude of projection's origin 40 0 0.000 #false easting (meters) 0.00000 #false northing (meters) 0.00000 # this site was helpful in interpreting the +proj4 string # LittleProjection <- '+proj=aea +lat_1=38 +lat_2=42 +lat_0=40 +lon_0=-82 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD27 +units=m +no_defs' # read in shapefile amsyc0 <- rgdal::readOGR("C:\\Users\\obses\\Desktop\\sycamore\\litt731av.shp") class(amsyc0) # sp plot(amsyc0) # looks fine # define CRS crs(amsyc0) <- LittleProjection plot(amsyc0) # still looks fine # reproject amsyc1 <- spTransform(amsyc0, LongLatCRS) # transform extent(amsyc1) extent(b1) plot(b1) plot(amsyc1, add = TRUE, col = yarrr::transparent(orig.col = "cornflowerblue", trans.val = 0.65, maxColorValue = 255)) ################################### Prepare shapefile of Loblolly Pine # read in shapefile lobpin0 <- rgdal::readOGR("C:\\Users\\obses\\Desktop\\loblolly\\litt131av.shp") # read shapefile crs(lobpin0) <- LittleProjection # define projection lobpin1 <- spTransform(lobpin0, LongLatCRS) # transform plot(lobpin1, add = TRUE, col = yarrr::transparent(orig.col = "yellow", trans.val = 0.65, maxColorValue = 255)) plot(gl1, add = TRUE, col = "lightblue") # clip1 <- raster::intersect(amsyc1, lobpin1) plot(clip1, add = TRUE, col = yarrr::transparent(orig.col = "darkolivegreen3", trans.val = 0.4, maxColorValue = 255)) ################################### export shapefiles writeOGR(b1, "C:\\Users\\obses\\Desktop\\forcody\\us_states.shp", driver="ESRI Shapefile", layer='test') # us_states writeOGR(gl1, "C:\\Users\\obses\\Desktop\\forcody\\greatlakes.shp", driver="ESRI Shapefile", layer='test') # great lakes writeOGR(amsyc1, "C:\\Users\\obses\\Desktop\\forcody\\sycamore.shp", driver="ESRI Shapefile", layer='test') # american sycamore range writeOGR(lobpin1, "C:\\Users\\obses\\Desktop\\forcody\\loblolly.shp", driver="ESRI Shapefile", layer='test') # loblolly pine range writeOGR(clip1, "C:\\Users\\obses\\Desktop\\forcody\\overlap.shp", driver="ESRI Shapefile", layer='test') # overlap between the two species ################################### export ORIGINAL shapefiles writeOGR(b0, "C:\\Users\\obses\\Desktop\\spatial_data_weebly\\us_states.shp", driver="ESRI Shapefile", layer='test') # us_states writeOGR(gl1, "C:\\Users\\obses\\Desktop\\forcody\\greatlakes.shp", driver="ESRI Shapefile", layer='test') # great lakes writeOGR(amsyc1, "C:\\Users\\obses\\Desktop\\forcody\\sycamore.shp", driver="ESRI Shapefile", layer='test') # american sycamore range writeOGR(lobpin1, "C:\\Users\\obses\\Desktop\\forcody\\loblolly.shp", driver="ESRI Shapefile", layer='test') # loblolly pine range writeOGR(clip1, "C:\\Users\\obses\\Desktop\\forcody\\overlap.shp", driver="ESRI Shapefile", layer='test') # overlap between the two species