library(dplyr) setwd("C:\\Users\\DJ\\Desktop\\fake_occu_data") #set working directory frogs <- read.csv("raw_survey_data.csv") # read raw frog data into R sitecoords1 <- read.csv("point_locations.csv") # read coordinate data into R View(frogs) unique(frogs$species) ################################################################################################# ################################################################################################# # Preparing the detection covariates # ################################################################################################# ################################################################################################# # first visit # removing all data except from visit 1: frogsV1 <- subset(frogs, visit == 1) # merge is essentially a vlookup - this links the detection data with the coordinate data: lookup_1a <- merge(x = sitecoords1, by.x = "point_id", y = frogsV1, by.y = "pointID", all.x = TRUE) #vlookup # then sites must be identified as a group - this does not change the APPEARANCE of the # file, however, is important for summarising ('summarise()') each visit's detection data: lookup_1b <- group_by(lookup_1a, point_id) # summarise gives you summary data for each group. In this case, you can choose anything -- all of # the values are the same; you could choose min(), max(), or whatever - I chose mean() here. # In any case, this bit of code gives you each detection covariate needed for occupancy modeling lookup_1cloud <- data.frame(summarise(lookup_1b, cloud = mean(cloud))) lookup_1julian <- data.frame(summarise(lookup_1b, julian = mean(date))) lookup_1temp <- data.frame(summarise(lookup_1b, temp = mean(temp))) lookup_1wind <- data.frame(summarise(lookup_1b, wind = mean(wind))) lookup_1msss <- data.frame(summarise(lookup_1b, msss = mean(minutes))) lookup_1noise <- data.frame(summarise(lookup_1b, noise = mean(noise_index))) # now let's repeat all of the above steps for visits 2 and 3 # second visit frogsV2 <- subset(frogs, visit == 2) # removing all data except from visit 2 lookup_2a <- merge(x = sitecoords1, by.x = "point_id", y = frogsV2, by.y = "pointID", all.x = TRUE) #vlookup lookup_2b <- group_by(lookup_2a, point_id) lookup_2cloud <- data.frame(summarise(lookup_2b, cloud = mean(cloud))) lookup_2julian <- data.frame(summarise(lookup_2b, julian = mean(date))) lookup_2temp <- data.frame(summarise(lookup_2b, temp = mean(temp))) lookup_2wind <- data.frame(summarise(lookup_2b, wind = mean(wind))) lookup_2msss <- data.frame(summarise(lookup_2b, msss = mean(minutes))) lookup_2noise <- data.frame(summarise(lookup_2b, noise = mean(noise_index))) # third visit frogsV3 <- subset(frogs, visit == 3) # removing all data except from visit 3 lookup_3a <- merge(x = sitecoords1, by.x = "point_id", y = frogsV3, by.y = "pointID", all.x = TRUE) #vlookup lookup_3b <- group_by(lookup_3a, point_id) lookup_3cloud <- data.frame(summarise(lookup_3b, cloud = mean(cloud))) lookup_3julian <- data.frame(summarise(lookup_3b, julian = mean(date))) lookup_3temp <- data.frame(summarise(lookup_3b, temp = mean(temp))) lookup_3wind <- data.frame(summarise(lookup_3b, wind = mean(wind))) lookup_3msss <- data.frame(summarise(lookup_3b, msss = mean(msss))) lookup_3noise <- data.frame(summarise(lookup_3b, noise = mean(noise_index))) ################################################## # combining each visit's covariates of each type point_idVals <- data.frame("point_id" = lookup_1wind$point_id) windVals <- cbind("wind1" = lookup_1wind$wind, "wind2" = lookup_2wind$wind, "wind3" = lookup_3wind$wind) cloudVals <- cbind("cloud1" = lookup_1cloud$cloud, "wind2" = lookup_2cloud$cloud, "wind3" = lookup_3cloud$cloud) julianVals <- cbind("julian1" = lookup_1julian$julian, "julian2" = lookup_2julian$julian, "julian3" = lookup_3julian$julian) tempVals <- cbind("temp1" = lookup_1temp$temp, "temp2" = lookup_2temp$temp, "temp3" = lookup_3temp$temp) msssVals <- cbind("msss1" = lookup_1msss$msss, "msss2" = lookup_2msss$msss, "msss3" = lookup_3msss$msss) noiseVals <- cbind("noise1" = lookup_1noise$noise, "noise2" = lookup_2noise$noise, "noise3" = lookup_3noise$noise) ################################################## # combining into a single file of detection variables AllDetCovs <- cbind(point_idVals, windVals, cloudVals, julianVals, tempVals, msssVals, noiseVals) View(AllDetCovs) ################################################################################################# ################################################################################################# # Creating the frog observation detection history # ################################################################################################# ################################################################################################# frogs100 <- subset(frogs, distance <= 100) # removing detections beyond 100m frogsV1 <- subset(frogs100, visit == 1) # removing all data except from visit 1 frogsV2 <- subset(frogs100, visit == 2) # removing all data except from visit 2 frogsV3 <- subset(frogs100, visit == 3) # removing all data except from visit 3 # begin using the sitecoords dataframe as the "base" and then build in each visit's detections focalspecies <- "wood frog" frogsV1_foc <- subset(frogsV1, species == focalspecies) # subsetting focal species from first visit frogsV2_foc <- subset(frogsV2, species == focalspecies) # subsetting focal species from second visit frogsV3_foc <- subset(frogsV3, species == focalspecies) # subsetting focal species from third visit # first visit lookup1 <- merge(x = sitecoords1, by.x = "point_id", y = frogsV1_foc, by.y = "pointID", all.x = TRUE) #vlookup lookup1$abundance[$abundance)] <- 0 # convert non-detections to zero in 'abundance'1 lookup1 <- mutate(lookup1, vis1 = if_else(abundance == 0, 0, 1)) visit1data <- data.frame("v1" = lookup1$vis1, "point1" = lookup1$point_id) # point id added as a double-check # second visit lookup2 <- merge(x = sitecoords1, by.x = "point_id", y = frogsV2_foc, by.y = "pointID", all.x = TRUE) #vlookup lookup2$abundance[$abundance)] <- 0 # convert non-detections to zero in 'abundance' lookup2 <- mutate(lookup2, vis2 = if_else(abundance == 0, 0, 1)) visit2data <- data.frame("v2" = lookup2$vis2, "point2" = lookup1$point_id) # point id added as a double-check # third visit lookup3 <- merge(x = sitecoords1, by.x = "point_id", y = frogsV3_foc, by.y = "pointID", all.x = TRUE) #vlookup lookup3$abundance[$abundance)] <- 0 # convert non-detections to zero in 'abundance' lookup3 <- mutate(lookup3, vis3 = if_else(abundance == 0, 0, 1)) visit3data <- data.frame("v3" = lookup3$vis3, "point3" = lookup1$point_id) # point id added as a double-check ## # combining detection history dethistory <- cbind(visit1data, visit2data, visit3data) sitehistory <- merge(x = sitecoords1, by.x = "point_id", y = dethistory, by.y = "point1", all.x = TRUE) #vlookup sitehistory <- select(sitehistory, -pointid, -point2, -point3) # delete trash columns View(sitehistory) ################################################################################################# ################################################################################################# # combining # ################################################################################################# ################################################################################################# FrogOccupancyData <- merge(x = sitehistory, by.x = "point_id", y = AllDetCovs, by.y = "point_id", all.x = TRUE) #vlookup View(FrogOccupancyData) ################## ################## ################## ################## ################## # good info: library(raster) nlcd_data <- raster(".\\state_college_nlcd.tif") # read raster nlcd_data <- setMinMax(nlcd_data) # set extent of raster # re-project the raster nlcd_data_a <- projectRaster(from = nlcd_data, crs = "+proj=aea +lat_1=29.5 +lat_2=45.5 +lat_0=23 +lon_0=-96 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs") # reproject into Albers Equal Area Conic coords1 <- data.frame(cbind("long" = sitehistory$long, "lat" = sitehistory$lat)) # read in coords of survey locs sites1 <- sf::st_as_sf(coords1, coords = c("long", "lat"), crs = 4269) # turn the coords into a spatial object # used crs = 4269 because this represents NAD83 sites1 <- sf::st_transform(sites1, crs = "+proj=aea +lat_1=29.5 +lat_2=45.5 +lat_0=23 +lon_0=-96 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs") # reproject the points into the same as the raster #### plotting site plot(nlcd_data_a, xlim = c(xmin(nlcd_data_a) + 16000, xmax(nlcd_data_a) - 15000), ylim = c(ymin(nlcd_data_a) + 11000, ymax(nlcd_data_a))) plot(nlcd_data_a, add = TRUE) plot(sites1, add = TRUE) #### extracting extract1 <- raster::extract(x = nlcd_data_a, y = sites1, buffer = 500, df = TRUE) extract1 <- data.frame(extract1) #### summarizing the data to be usable NLCD_freq <- mutate(extract1, NLCD = as.integer(state_college_nlcd)) %>% group_by(ID, NLCD) %>% summarise(freq = n()) %>% ungroup() %>% group_by(ID) %>% mutate(ncells= sum(freq), prop_land = round(freq/ncells, 2) * 100) %>% ungroup() #### re-assinging site names sitesPicklist <- data.frame(FalseName= seq(from = 1, to = 41, length.out = 41), OrigName = sitehistory$point_id) #### restructuring the dataset wide <- full_join(NLCD_freq, sitesPicklist, by=c("ID" = "FalseName")) %>% dplyr::select(-ID, -freq, -ncells) %>% tidyr::spread(NLCD, prop_land, fill = 0) ### Still need to link this back to DetectionData FinalData <-, DetectionData, by = c("OrigName" = "point_id"))) View(FinalData)